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Balance the frustrations

To balance the life with frustartions or social illness--- writing blogs, watching educational videos, sharing knowledge, and helping friends fit into educational pursuits like learning Excel, any software language, or basic computer knowledge, you can follow these steps: 1. Writing Blogs to Release Frustrations:    - Regular Updates: Schedule regular blog updates to maintain a steady outlet for your thoughts and frustrations.    - Interactive Content: Invite comments and discussions on your blog to engage with readers and create a supportive community.    - Topic Variety: Write about a mix of personal experiences and educational content to keep your blog diverse and interesting. 2. Watching Educational Videos to Learn More:    - Dedicated Time: Set aside specific times each day or week to watch educational videos.    - Curated Content: Create a list of reliable and informative channels or courses to follow.    - Active Learning: Take notes and practice what you learn to reinforce new
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